Nevada Families for Freedom
State Affiliate National Eagle Forum
47th Anniversary
186 Ryndon Unit 12, Elko, Nevada 89801, 775-397-6859, Sparks 775-356-0105
Editor: Janine Hansen
April 2021, In the Year of Our Lord
Volume 47, Number 3, Email Version
Nevada Legislative Report April 14, 2021
April 9, 2021 was the Legislative deadline which requires all bills, (with the exceptions of those which are resolutions, Constitutional Amendments, budget bills, bills with money attached or exempt bills), to have passed out of the first committee. That means that many of the original 1142 bills are dead! The next deadline is April 20th when all of the bills that passed Committee must pass the entire Senate or Assembly depending on where they started. I am anticipating that because of the Democrat majority that almost all bills that passed the committees will pass the whole Assembly or Senate. Then they go to the other house and are assigned to committee. The Legislature ends May 31, 2021. Keep Praying!
Many Thanks goes to Lynn Chapman, our state Vice President for her countless hours of reading bills, research and important testimonies on many bills.
AB=Assembly Bills, SB=Senate Bills, AJR= Assembly Joint Resolution,
SJR=Senate Joint Resolution
Good News!
SB2 would have repealed the good provision from last session that required High School Students to pass at least 50% of the questions on the Citizenship test for new immigrants. This portion of the bill was deleted, so the test remains.
SB10 would raise property taxes on single family homes and commercial property putting all at the 3% or 8% ca, is DEAD!!! That shows the power of the people! 20 people testified against it and many sent in their objections. Opinions on Legislative Website: 293 opposed, 2 in favor.
SB11 Increases Government Services Tax (Car Registration) in Reno or Sparks. Current law allows Washoe County to impose a supplemental Government Services Tax of 1 cent on each $1 valuation of a vehicle based in the County which they have not implemented. SB11 means if your vehicle is worth $12,000 that your increased tax would be $120 annually. If your vehicle is worth $25,000 your tax increase would be $250 annually. DEAD
SB73 Tax Increases City of Reno. This bill allows the City of Reno to establish a committee to recommend the increase of taxes including transient lodging, supplemental government services tax (car registration), transfer tax on real property, sales taxes, and property taxes. When the committee recommends the tax increases, they then go on the General Election Ballot in 2022. If they pass on the ballot, the City of Reno must impose the taxes. It allows the taxes to be used (or for the reallocation of current taxes) for capital projects and ongoing operation cost for parks and recreation facilities and related services in Reno, the preservation of open space, protection of the Truckee River and payment of principal and interest on bonds for such purposes. DEAD
SB102 insures all children will be 5 years old instead of 4 when they start kindergarten. Children do much better when they are a little older when they start school. Passed Committee.
SB134 Made you an automatic organ/tissue donor unless you pro-actively “Opt Out” when you get or renew your driver’s license. DEAD.
SB143 Sensible Parenting: allows parents to make decisions about their parenting and the ability to give their children the opportunity to play outdoors with other children, walk to school or stay home alone if they are mature enough, without fear of being charged with neglect. Passed Committee.
SB300 Expansion Office of New Americans (illegal immigrants) designed to interfere with enforcement of immigration laws moving towards a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. Facilitating the integration and inclusion of illegal immigrants in this State, requiring their access to taxpayer funded services & programs not be limited. Secured “rights and privileges” for illegal immigrants. Must not exclude or limit an immigrant’s access to any service, program, right or privilege. DEAD
SB301 Makes all ballots mail-in and does nothing to clean up the voter rolls or to stop ballot harvesting. Settelmeyer’s bill. DEAD. However, Frierson’s AB321 does all these things.
SB335 We were specifically concerned with this bill because of its possible negative effect on homeopathy. Those concerns appear to be resolved. The bill is a consolidation of many Boards and Commissions which we did not oppose. Passed Committee.
SJR 3 Urges Congress to provide funding to reduce the wild horse and burro population to appropriate management levels. Today in Nevada the Management areas are 300% over the appropriate levels with 50,000 free-roaming horses and burros. This over population impacts the ecosystem health and habitat, forage and water resources which imperils the health and well-being of wildlife, livestock, vegetation and the wild horses and burros themselves. Passed Committee.
AB99 lowers threshold for prevailing wage for colleges and universities to make repairs from $100,000 to $2,000. Immense cost to taxpayers. The average prevailing wage is 64% higher than the usual union wage. DEAD
AB255 Appoints 3 of 7 School Board members in Clark and Washoe Counties. Dead
AB340 The Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to study the number of regulations which would cost taxpayers & those subject to the regulations more than $10,000,000. Passed Committee.
AB356 Surveys on Sexual Misconduct in the Schools setting up a whole legal system within the schools…investigators, judge, jury and executioner for students who “violate” their perverted standards. It was a violation of the Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment which prohibits invasive surveys on beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
6. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers; 7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; or
8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. DEAD
AJR7 National Infrastructure Bank This would create jobs without the U.S. Govt. borrowing money or using tax dollars. This is a creative way to rebuild America’s failing infrastructure & help revive the economy like Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt did. Passed Assembly.
Bad News
SB258 Special Rights for Transgenders in prison including putting them in Women’s prisons. Passed Committee.
SB292 Straight Ticket voting (When you vote you choose a party and then it automatically votes for everyone running on the party.) All of these States have abolished straight ticket voting between 1994 and 2020: Utah, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa, Texas, Indiana, Rhode Island, West Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Missouri, Illinois, South Dakota, Georgia. Passed Committee.
SB395 Allows 11 smallest rural counties to raise property taxes, Nye, Churchill, Humboldt, White Pine, Pershing, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Storey, Eureka and Esmeralda counties. It requires a vote of the people to approve a property tax increase which takes the property tax above the cap. The bill allows the county property tax to be increased above the cap by 25 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation. Senator Goicoechea sponsored the bill. Passed Committee.
SJR11 urges Congress to ratify the 1979 United Nations Convention (Treaty) on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women or CEDAW. It is Pro-Abortion, Anti-Motherhood, and Anti-United States. The U.S. has never passed it. It will allow U.N. unelected bureaucrats to interfere in the laws of the United States and Nevada. Passed Senate with 3 Republicans voting against: Ira Hansen, Keith Pickard, James Settelmeyer and 6 Republicans voting for: Carrie Buck, Pete Goicoechea, Scott Hammond, Joe Hardy, Ben Keickhefer, Heidi Gansert.
AB129 Lowers the Threshold for Political Action Committees, Recall Committees & Ballot Committees to report contributions from individuals from $1000 to $100. Republican Assemblyman Tom Roberts sponsor. It suppresses free speech and opens contributors up to be harmed by the Cancel culture. Passed Committee
AB195 Special Rights for Illegal Alien Students in our school. Passed Committee
AB207 Violates Free Speech and Association for private online forums on the internet. Passed Committee.
AB213 Scholarships for Illegal Aliens for the Millennial, Nevada Promise, Silver State Opportunity Grant and more and to receive in state tuition. Passed Committee.
AB234, AB285, AB293, Charitable Lotteries to reduce reporting for raffles for charitable & political party events so they could raise money without filing with the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Dead.
AB321 Frierson’s Election Bill which puts into law AB4 from the 2020 Special Session including all mail in ballots, no changes to clean up voter rolls, allows mail ballots to be received up to 4 days after the election it was 7, allows explicitly electronic signature matching instead of human beings. Creates an audit process—no way for the public to view the audit results, if a signature does not match, poll workers are not allowed to ask voters their birthday to verify identity, and more. Contains unfunded mandates. Passed Committee.
AB376 Sanctuary State for Illegal Aliens. This bill prohibits state and local law enforcement from cooperating in the enforcement of our laws on illegal immigration with federal authorities, including if someone is a terrorist. Las Vegas Metro Police, Nevada Sheriffs and Chief Association and Washoe County Sheriff testified against it. It creates a deceptively named “Task Force to Keep Nevada Working”. The Task Force will be made up of illegal alien friendlies including: Immigrant advocacy groups and labor organizations. The Task Force is to develop strategies with private sector business, labor organizations and immigrant advocacy groups to strengthen industries across the state, strengthening career pathways for illegals, improve the ability of this state to attract and retain immigrant business owners. Your tax dollars at work helping illegals. Passed Committee.
AB395 Abolishes Death Penalty Passed Assembly Party Lines.
AJR10* Raises Minimum Wage to $12 an hour unless Federal Govt. raises it higher. Should not be in the Constitution. Passed Assembly on Party lines. If it passes Senate it will go on the ballot 2022.
AJR3: Global Warming Resolution takes 30% Nevada Land & 30% Water to be Locked Up by Government. Destroys Property and Water Rights. Passed full Assembly.
AB286 Anti-Gun, Anti-Self Defense, Anti-CCW: This bill will not make us safer, but by creating gun free zones will make us targets, because criminals prefer unarmed victims. This bill is a violation of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Nevada Constitution Article 1 Section 11 which provides for “the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense…and other lawful purposes.” It has been limited to any real property owned or operated by a person that holds a non-restricted gaming license, in other words casinos, associated hotels and any associated businesses. This makes AB286 less bad, but any restriction on our rights is a violation of our rights. This is a slippery slope to further violate our gun rights. There has been no change in the prohibition on kit guns. Passed Committee.
AB351 Assisted Suicide passed Committee with No recommendations, which means they did not have enough votes to pass it out. This means that there are Democrats who opposed this bill. It has been re-referred to Assembly Ways and Means Committee.
SJR8* ERA has passed both the Senate and Assembly for the second time. It now goes on the ballot in 2022. It is anti-family, anti-woman and especially anti-girl. Girls will have to compete with biological males in sports which will ruin their chances for success and scholarships. Girls’ safety and privacy will be at risk in school bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and in motel rooms on trips when transgender biological boys use those facilities. Taxpayers will also be harmed because they will have to pay for abortions. Our religious liberty will be in jeopardy if we believe in traditional marriage. We are concerned that age of consent laws that protect children from sexual predators could be overturned in the name of equality.
Nevada Families for Freedom Newsletter is published 12 times a year. The Subscription price is $25.