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Our Biggest Victory!

Writer's picture: Janine HansenJanine Hansen

Nevada Families for Freedom

State Affiliate National Eagle Forum

45th Anniversary

Facebook link: @nevadafamilies

186 Ryndon Unit 12, Elko, Nevada 89801, 775-397-6859, Sparks 775-356-0105

Editor: Janine Hansen

June 2019, In the Year of Our Lord Thank you for your participation

Volume 45, Number 6, Email version and support!

Our Biggest Victory!

SJR14* from the 2017 Session which would have doubled or tripled property taxes was never even given a hearing. I believe we receive this incredible blessing because of the efforts to educate the public by Mike Clark, Washoe County Assessor and Charlene Young, Independent American Party candidate who ran against the sponsor of SJR14, Julia Ratti. Charlene went door to door as the only opponent of Ratti and exposed the devastating consequences of SJR14*. Both of these two dedicated souls made Ratti so worried about her political future that she squelched SJR14. Thanks and Hallelujah!


AB186 National Popular Vote: Was vetoed by the Governor. NPV circumvents the Constitution and the Electoral College creating a “compact” between the states. Unlike the U.S. Constitution which requires three-quarters of the states to amend the Constitution, only states with enough electoral votes to equal 270 are needed for NPV to go into effect which could mean as few as 20 or less. The following States plus the District of Columbia have already signed onto the NPV State Compact. The states are listed with their number of electoral votes: California 55, Connecticut 7, District of Columbia 3, Hawaii 4, Illinois 20, Maryland 10, Massachusetts 11, New Jersey 14, New York 29, Rhode Island 4, Vermont 3, Washington 12, Delaware 3, Colorado 9, New Mexico 5 and Oregon 7 equaling 196 electoral votes. This means that according to NPV Compact they are more than 72.5% of the way to their goal or just 74 electoral votes short from putting the Compact into effect. The veto by our Governor could be crucial in stopping NPV. All Assembly Democrats vote Yes except Benitez-Thompson, Maggie Carlton, Monroe-Moreno, Neal. All Assembly and Senate Republicans voted No. All Senate Democrats voted Yes. Washington was excused.

AB295 Planned Parenthood Sex Ed: Removed from the Counties the authority to determine their own Sex Education Curriculum; mandated curriculum on gender stereotypes; mandated curriculum on Access to Reproductive Health Services including Birth Control and Contraceptives and how and where to obtain them (Planned Parenthood). It mandated curriculum which “promotes inclusion and acceptance of gender identity or expression… sexual orientation”. Removed current “Opt In” language where parents must sign to allow child to participate and instead requires parents to “Opt out” “refuse” to allow their child to attend. We have fought this bill for the last 4 sessions. We fully anticipated that it would pass this session as in 2017 it passed and the Governor Sandoval vetoed it. It never received a hearing. This was a miracle!

SB165 Assisted Suicide: Only a miracle in the Senate could have stopped this horrible bill. In California and Oregon insurance companies have begun refusing life-saving treatment and instead encouraging people to choose the much cheaper option of assisted suicide. We can only imagine what abuses from government Medicaid which might occur if this bill had passed. Senator Marcia Washington was appointed to take the place of the disgraced Kelvin Atkinson (for using $100,000 in campaign contributions for his own business.) She was truly a gift from God. We needed 11 votes to stop this in the Senate. All the Republicans were against it and 3 Democrats were also against it. Those 3 Democrats included: Mo Denis, James Ohrenschall and Marcia Washington. If she had not taken the place of Atkinson, Assisted Suicide would have passed.

Bad Bills that Passed

AB48 Diesel Tax increase for All Rural Counties: Allows all counties but Clark and Washoe to raise diesel taxes by a vote of 2/3rds of the County Commission OR by a majority of the voters at a general election. Of course, since the voters have recently voted overwhelmingly against more diesel taxes, if the county commission wants to raise taxes they will bypass the voters. This bill was brought forth by the Nevada Association of Counties which represents all counties…they always want more tax dollars. It’s another revenue stream of tax dollars for insatiable government. All Senate Democrats voted Yes. Republicans Pete Goicoechea, Scott Hammond, Joe Hardy and Keith Pickard voted Yes. Only Republicans Senators Hansen, Keickhefer, Gansert, and Settemeyer voted No. All Assembly Democrats voted Yes as did Republicans Al Kramer and Chris Edwards. All other Assembly Republicans voted No.

AB95 Domestic Wells: This bill puts domestic wells under the State Water Engineer which has never been the law in Nevada before. If a groundwater basin is designated as a critical management area for at least 10 consecutive years, the State Engineer is required to order that withdrawals, including withdrawals from domestic wells, be restricted to conform to priority rights. If the State Engineer does this the domestic wells will be restricted to 0.5 acre feet of water of the well owner’s allotment, a 75% reduction, which will devastate any chance of a rural lifestyle. A mandatory water meter will be installed. Domestic use of water was purposely exempted from Nevada law and has not been under the authority of the unelected State Water Engineer. The language in this bill is to confuse legislators to think that domestic wells have a priority date tied to the appropriation date of water rights. This bill is attempting an unconstitutional takings without compensation. All Democrats in the Assembly voted Yes, all Republicans voted No. All Democrats in the Senate voted Yes except Ohrenschall and Washington. All Senate Republicans voted No.

AB291 Red Flag Firearms bill: This bill originally was a state preemption bill allowing different counties and cities to pass firearms bills that were more restrictive than the state law. Preemption was removed from the bill and instead these 3 elements were added. From NRA: Create Red Flag/Pre-Crime Protective Orders that allow for the removal of a person's constitutional rights not because a person has been convicted of a crime or adjudicated mentally ill, but instead on third party allegations. This bill lacks strong due process protections and contains low evidentiary standards that fall well below the norm for removing fundamental constitutional rights. Impose Mandatory Storage Requirements that will expand Nevada's current law regulating firearm storage by imposing a one-size-fits-all government standard that requires firearms to be made unavailable for self-defense. Criminalize Certain Firearm Modifications: This bill is broader than existing federal regulations and would criminalize certain modifications on semi-automatic firearms. Violations of this section would result in felony penalties. ​All Democrats in the Senate and Assembly except Skip Daly voted Yes and all Republicans in the Senate & Assembly voted No.

AB344 Enables Installation of Harmful 5G Technology: This enables 5G technology to be installed and will prohibit local governments from protecting us. 5G has many “small wireless facilities” which have to be placed in close proximity. 5G emits ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity radiation. This radiation exposure can cause health problems including cancer, DNA damage, sterility, and injure unborn babies. Brussels has stopped 5G installation. 200+ scientists and doctors have signed a petition demanding a moratorium on 5G technology installation due to biological and environmental risks and the Telecom Industry can’t even prove it’s safe. All Assembly & Senate Democrats and Republicans voted in favor of AB344.

AB345 Same Day Registration & Wait 10 Days for Election Results: This is Speaker Frierson’s bill on Same Day Voter Registration and Voting. In Nevada people register to vote in their county and then each night that information is sent to the Secretary of State to be verified. There is no way to immediately verify Same Day Registrants. Under Same Day, voters will be given a “provisional ballot” for all races and ballot questions. The people who cast these provisional ballots have to be verified as legitimate voters. As a result we will not know the results of the Election until 10 days after the Election. This will give time for lawyers to prepare to challenge the results in court. In addition, there is no difference in the identifying numbers on driver’s licenses of citizens and drivers authorization cards given to illegals. Therefore, with Automatic Voter Registration at the DMV, we have built in institutional voter registration fraud. All Democrats voted Yes, all Republicans voted No.

AB458 Limits Tax Credits for School Choice: This bill was designed to stop any growth in the school choice scholarship program by limiting any growth in the amount of tax credits for the program. All Assembly and Senate Democrats voted Yes. All Assembly and Senate Republicans voted No.

AJR2* Same Sex Marriage: This overturns Nevada’s Constitutional Amendment for marriage between a man and a woman passed by 70% of Nevada’s voters. Although the U.S. Supreme Court made it inoperative and LGTBQ advocates have achieved all they sought, they want more. If this Constitutional Amendment passes in Nevada, Christians will be subjected to government sanctioned discrimination & persecution. During the Assembly hearing in 2017, when I asked the question which Constitutional Amendment would take precedence, AJR2 the gender marriage Constitutional Amendment or the Nevada Constitutional Declaration of Rights Art. 1 Section 4 protecting Religious liberty…the Legislative Counsel Bureau (attorney for Legislature) said in Committee that the newest Constitutional Amendment, gender marriage, would take precedent over religious Liberty. Goodbye religious liberty!!! All Assembly Democrats & Republicans voted Yes except Ellison & Wheeler who voted No. Alexis Hansen was excused. In the Senate All Democrats voted Yes except Marcia Washington and All Republicans voted Yes except Ira Hansen. It goes on the ballot for 2020.

AJR6 Urges Congress to Oppose Citizenship Question on the U.S. Census: This is a resolution to the U.S. Congress however, since this issue is going to the U.S. Supreme Court, Congress will not be making the decision. Note how many Assembly Republicans voted for it. All Assembly Democrats voted Yes & Republicans Melissa Hardy, Glen Leavitt, Tom Roberts, & Jill Tolles. Republican Assemblymen Edwards, Ellison, Hafen, Hansen, Kramer, Krasner, Titus & Wheeler voted No. All Senate Democrats voted Yes except Marcia Washington. All Senate Republicans voted No.

SB84 provided for the establishment of a program for grants for Prekindergarten through the Dept of Education as funds were available. It passed the Legislature unanimously. It’s companion Legislation SB444 for $24 million for Prekindergarten grants for school districts, charter schools and non-profits for 4 year olds never passed out of Senate Finance.

SB94 Funding for Planned Parenthood. In 2017 the Account for Family Planning was established in the General Fund to award grants of taxpayer dollars to local governments and “non-profit” organizations (chiefly Planned Parenthood) which provides contraceptives and contraceptive services. The largest “non-profit” is Planned Parenthood whose lobbyists provided the main testimony in 2017 and in 2019. Planned Parenthood in Las Vegas offers Abortion referrals, Chemical Abortions (RU-486) and In-Clinic Abortions. There was an appropriation of $6 million in the Governor’s budget and represents a 6 fold increase of taxpayers’ dollars from the $1 million in 2017. Why are taxpayers forced to pay for contraceptives subsidizing people’s sex lives?

SB143 Background Checks: Background checks are currently required for gun sales if they are from a dealer. This legislation will restrict you from giving a gun to a family member unless they have a background check and impose criminal penalties for doing so. Criminals already violate the gun laws. Only law abiding citizens will get background checks. All Senate Democrats voted Yes. All Senate Republicans voted No. All Assembly Democrats except Skip Daly voted Yes. All Assembly Republicans voted No.

SB179 Abortion: Lowers the informed consent requirements for abortion putting women at risk. It removes the requirement to insure the woman is not coerced. It emoves the requirement to find out the age of the “woman” who may be under age and subject to abuse and trafficking. It decriminalizes “do it yourself abortions” again putting women at risk. We need a requirement that women have a sonogram. All Senate Democrats voted Yes except Mo Denis & Marcia Washington. All Senate Republicans voted No except Keickhefer who voted Yes. All Assembly Democrats voted Yes except Dina Neal. All Assembly Republicans voted No.

SB204 Private Schools Required to Provide Suicide Education: This bill allows the State Board of Education to revoke the license of private schools including religious schools that fail to adopt a policy for the prevention of suicide. Originally it required private religious schools to focus on LGTBQ students and their needs. The bill now makes that “optional” until of course next time. All Senate Democrats voted Yes and so did Republicans Hammond, Hardy, Keickhefer, Pickard, and Gansert. Only Senators Goicoechea, Hansen and Settelmeyer voted No. All Assembly Democrats voted Yes along with Republicans Melissa Hardy & Lisa Krasner. All other Assembly Republicans voted No.

SB450 Recall: The purpose of this bill is to make recall virtually impossible. During the last 39 years since 1980, there have only been 23 recalls attempted in Nevada and only 2 have been successful, one in Nye County in 1980 and one in Fernley in 2009. This bill requires that every signature submitted to the County Clerks be verified. It increases for statewide office the number that must be sampled for verification to 25%. Now only a 5% sampling is required. This bill requires that those who submit the signatures for verification must pay the cost of verifying those signatures. This has never been the case in the past. It requires the signatures be submitted 45 days into the recall. The purpose of this is to allow those opposing the recall to have an extra advantage in getting signatures removed. SB450 makes it much easier to remove a signature from the petition. It extends from 5 days to 15 days for filing a complaint, again stacking the deck against those trying to recall. It increases the penalty to a Category E Felony if you “misrepresent the content or intent” of the petition. This is an attempt to intimidate those working on recall. Who is to decide if they misrepresented…what about free speech? All Democrats voted Yes. Only 5 Republicans in the Senate voted No. Keickhefer, Pickard, Gansert voted Yes. Only 9 Democrats voted No in the Assembly. Krasner, Roberts, Tolles voted Yes. All Democrats voted Yes.

SB538 the “Office of New Americans” for Illegal Immigrants: This was the governor’s outrageous bill that uses State resources and tax dollars to assist illegal immigrants with workforce training, quality of life, education, housing and health care. It also allows State resources to be used to lobby the Legislature, Congress and Local Governments on behalf of illegal aliens. It passed the Senate with all Democrats voting for it and Republicans Hammond, Keickhefer, Pickard, Gansert, and Settelmeyer voting for it. Only Goicoechea, Hansen, and Hardy voted No. It passed the Assembly with all Democrats voting for it and Republicans Tom Roberts and Jill Tolles voting for it as well. All other Assembly Republicans voted No.

SB551 Violates 2/3rds Constitutional Requirement for Tax Increases: Increases the Modified Business tax, the largest tax in Nevada history, passed by Republicans in 2015. This is supposed to be for “education”, the sacred cow, but is needed because of all the socialism pork in the rest of the budget. Under the Nevada Constitution all tax increases are supposed to pass by a 2/3rds majority vote. After the 2/3rds vote failed in the Senate the Democrats took out the 2/3rds requirement and passed the tax increase. Hopefully, the Republicans will challenge this tax in court. “If the Constitution gets in the way of big spending…just pencil it out of the bill.”

All Senate and Assembly Democrats voted Yes. All Senate and Assembly Republicans voted No.

SJR8 disastrous so-called Equal Rights Amendment. SJR8 says: “RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, JOINTLY, That a new section, designated Section 24, be added to Article 1 of the Nevada Constitution to read as follows: Sec. 24. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by this State or any of its political subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.”

This is the MOST radical ERA anywhere in the United States. Because it is a Constitutional amendment it will have to be voted on by the 2021 Legislature and go on the ballot in 2022. It will mean tax funded abortions like New Mexico has. SJR8 will mean the loss of Religious liberty for individuals, businesses, at work and teaching our own beliefs to our children (teaching Biblical principles like marriage between a man and a woman will become hate speech). It will take away privacy from our children at school in bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and in motels on trips. It will mean girls will have to compete with biological males in sports who claim to be “girls”. The girls’ opportunities for success in sports and scholarships with go up in transgender smoke. All Senate Democrats voted Yes except Marcia Washington. Senate Republicans voting Yes were Hammond, Hardy, Kieckhefer, Pickard, Gansert and Settelmeyer. Republican Senators voting No Goicoechea & Hansen. All Assembly Democrats voted Yes, as did Republicans Melissa Hardy, Glen Leavitt, Tom Roberts, Robin Titus, & Jill Tolles. Assembly Republicans voting No: Chris Edwards, John Ellison, Greg Hafen, John Hambrick, Alexis Hansen, Al Kramer, Lisa Krasner, Jim Wheeler.

Good Bills that Died

AB113 Transfer tax on Firearms: Nevada citizens lawfully purchase firearms from retail outlets located outside the State of Nevada. According to federal law, these purchases must be shipped to a Nevada Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder who performs a background check before giving the firearm to the purchaser. Nevada FFLs are charged gross sales tax for firearms they did not own, nor derive any retail sales from. This bill removed this tax. Unanimous in the Assembly. Died in Senate when placed on Secretary’s Desk.

AB420 Criminal Forfeiture of Property: This is an excellent bill. It was pioneered by Senator Don Gustavson. It places restrictions on law enforcement’s power to confiscate property which has been incredibly abused. Individual’s property and cash has been confiscated often without an arrest, warrant and/or conviction and used as a law enforcement slush fund. All Assembly Democrats & Republicans voting Yes except Republicans Edwards, Hardy, Krasner, Leavitt, Roberts and Tolles voted No. Died in Senate Judiciary.

Good Bills that Passed

AB226 Microchips: Prohibits State, local governments and businesses, in fact anyone, from requiring the implantation of a microchip or any other permanent Identification marker in a person. Democrat Skip Daly was the sponsor. All Assembly Democrats and Republicans voted Yes. All Senate Republicans vote Yes. All Senate Democrats voted Yes except Melanie Schieble voted No.

SB98 Homeopathy: This bill was amended and now creates a new Homeopathic Board and keeps them independent of the State Board of Health. The State Board of Health is composed of advocates of traditional medicine who are antagonistic to Homeopathy. This change is thanks to Senator Settelmeyer. Unanimous in the Senate. All Democrats and Republicans voted Yes except Ellison, Krasner, Roberts and Titus.

SB403 School Data: This was the bill John Eppilito worked with Senator Denis to get introduced. It was much stronger to begin with but was amended. Never-the-less it requires school service providers of internet programs to establish a plan for security for the data of students and to inform the school if there is a data breech. It also requires the schools to inform parents of a data breech. It prohibits targeted advertising by a school service provider and limits how data can be used. It is a start. Unanimous Senate and Assembly.

Bad Bills that Died

AB193 Drivers Authorization Card. This “driver’s license for illegals” now has to be renewed every 4 years. This bill extended the renewal from 4 to 8 years. It died on the April 17th deadline never receiving a vote.

AB281 Made Nevada a Sanctuary State: because state and local law enforcement would not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. It prohibited a state or local law enforcement agency, school police unit or campus police department from detaining a person on the basis of a “hold request” from the U.S. Immigration Enforcement and the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, except where there is an independent finding of probable cause. A “hold request” means a request by a federal immigration authority that a state or local law enforcement agency, school police unit or campus police department maintain custody of a person who is in the custody of that agency beyond the time the person would otherwise be eligible for release, to facilitate the transfer of custody of the person to the federal immigration authority. An “Independent finding of probable cause” means “a warrant which is based upon probable cause which is issued by a federal judge, etc”. A determination which is based upon clear and convincing evidence that authorizes a federal immigration authority to take into custody that person. Placed on Chief Clerk’s Desk and never received a vote.

AJR5 Application for a Constitutional Convention to repeal Citizens United. This is commonly known as the Wolf PAC Article V. Wolf PAC is supported by George Soros. Nevada unanimously rescinded all previous Article V Constitutional Conventions in 2017. Never-the-less we had to work hard to defeat AJR5 this year. Do to that fact that several left wing groups, including Common Cause, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and other Unions, worked closely with us, AJR5 never received a hearing.

AJR9 Appoint Judges: A proposed Constitutional Amendment to Appoint Judges instead of electing them died on the deadline April 24 without a vote.

SB354 Appoint Board of Regents: This bill was to take effect if AJR5* from the 2017 session passed in the 2019 session, which it did, and then passed the ballot in 2020.. AJR5* changes the governance of the Board of Regents. The original version of AJR5* eliminated the right to vote of the people for the Board of Regents. We strenuously objected. That portion was removed from the resolution. Now in violation of our concerns, SB354 takes away our right to vote for the Board of Regents…thinking that the Powers that Be are smarter than the people….We will then have special interests determining who is appointed to the Board of Regents. All Democrats voted Yes. Two Senate Republicans voted Yes, Scott Hammond and Ben Keickhefer. It never received a vote in the Assembly Committee, so it is dead.

SB556 Washoe & Rurals Property Tax Increase: This was introduced on June 1 by Julia Ratti sponsor of SJR14*, just 2 days before the end of the Legislature. It allowed county commissions in all counties but Clark to put on the 2020 ballot a property tax increase of 5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for additional sheriff deputies or firemen. The government always puts the things we really want like police, fire and roads in tax increases in order to get us to vote for them. Never had a hearing, died.

SJR5 Annual Sessions: This proposed Constitutional Amendment would have allowed the Legislature to meet year round. Senator Spearman testified that they might meet 2 days in a week defining “legislative days” as those in which a committee or the full Assembly or Senate meet. Currently the Nevada Constitution provides that the Legislature meets for 120 calendar days in every odd numbered year. This bill provides that the Legislature meet every odd numbered year for 90 “Legislative Days” and in even numbered years the Legislature would meet for 60 “Legislative Days”. But because the Assembly and Senate Leadership could agree on a recess, they could be meeting essentially all year. It was so bad that it didn’t even pass out of the democratically controlled Committee in the Senate.

Bills that Started out Bad, but were Much Better when Amended

AB123 Vaccines: It started out as a very bad bill. It was then amended to contain all the amendments we asked for to protect Religious and Medical exemptions for vaccines which comprise less than 3% of children. Because it did not achieve the aims of Big Pharma and Immunize Nevada to take away choice in vaccines, it was left to die in the Senate without a hearing. It received a unanimous vote in the Assembly.

AB376 Immigrant in Custody: The purpose of this bill was to set us up using data to move us towards a Sanctuary State where law enforcement does not cooperate with federal authorities. The amended version forbade law enforcement from keeping data on Illegal Aliens who have been arrested for committing a violent misdemeanor or a felony. The sponsor restricted the collection of information to only include illegal aliens who have been arrested for committing a misdemeanor like a traffic offense. This portion of the bill was amended out before it passed. The only portion that passed required a person seeking to question a prisoner about his immigration status to inform him of the purpose of the questions regarding the immigration status. All Senate Democrats voted Yes, all Senate Republicans voted No. The Assembly bill was entirely different.

AB430 Home Visits: It provided that the Division of Health and Human Services would establish and coordinate with other state and local governmental agencies to carry out a family home visiting system to provide trained professionals to visit the homes of children during early childhood. This bill has been changed to a Study to help at risk mothers, like those addicted to drugs, to help them receive help so they can keep their babies. I thank Democrat Assemblywoman Backus for her help in amending this bill. All Assembly Democrats voted Yes. Five Assembly Republicans voted Yes Melissa Hardy, Krasner, Leavitt, Roberts, Tolles. Seven Republicans voted No Edwards, Ellison, Hafen, Hansen, Kramer, Titus and Wheeler. Unanimous in Senate.

SB319 School Psychologists: Because of our strong protests in the Assembly and because of the help of Assemblywomen Tolles and Hansen, we were able to have placed in the record the Federal and State laws which requires school psychologists and social workers to get parental permission before using invasive tests and personal counseling. Unanimous vote Senate & Assembly.

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